Monday, June 27, 2016

Sunday, Jun 26, 2016


       How's it going everybody! It's another well week while I am still recovering from my aftermath from the fever from the Rain, so I did found out that Rainy Season's not until somewhere around August in Cambodia...*sigh...sniffles* Hahaha. Well here's how'd this week went:

    Well unfortunately for a few days I couldn't do much because of the Fever I caught, but I recover quickly. Blessing do work when you allow your faith in the restored priesthood to work! I am grateful for the restoration of the Gospel and the Priesthood just for us to have enduring revelations and blessings from God everyday in these Latter-days! 
      I don't really have to much to post except the fact I conquered the "NEW" Language Achievement Program! Which I'll have dinner with the mission president soon! Yay! Concerning Investigators... it's tough to meet them all, but we're doing our best we can to keep contacting and visit those that is necessary for to visit and help!

   The best news I can give that happened last week was me and Elder Slavens had a new investigator throughout last week since last Saturday! He's been commited to a baptismal date for a while and he has a ton of excellent questions and concerns about Christianity he know how's it excellent for us to pray because we can communicate to God and receive blessing from him, he's got potential to develop faith in this church I love this new investigator we had. (Giving a shout out for  the Assistants and the office Elders such as Elders Lauritzen, Asay, Osborne and Lambert!  Because of the new Facebook page it's how he's found as someone that wants to learn how to pray!  This new one anyway is named Bong Chetra very cool guy to. So excited to keep serving him! 

    REAN English Program from Wednesday's excellent despite that I can't talk or teach in REAN English when I am sick, however later on Saturday I recovered and shared a spiritual thought about the Church! It's kind of random when I gave my spiritual thought I was applauded from sharing a spiritual thought about what's behind our REAN English Classroom because I was sick while trying to share it! So it got across and apparently some participants from English Class came which was awesome and was very happy! 

    To summarize this fast, and simple is we're doing our best here, unfortunately this Transfers over because hey guess what!TRANSFER CALL ALERT: I will be a leading Senior Companion in Teuk Laak having a new companion known as Elder Lambornfrom Honeyville, UTAH!  Super excited to serve with him soon! I am thankful for the chance to keep serving this mission helping my divine heritage come closer to our true savior who is JESUS CHRIST!

       I testify that miracles can happen when anyone works on what they pray, apply the faith and live because you want true happiness can be felt in our live in the latter-day! I still know that the Church I serve as a FULL-TIME missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, it's been restored and I know that God has a plan for each and every one of us! I am still doing my best to learn the Khmer language there's still a ton to learn to be honest! But I love to learn off of my mission! I'll miss serving with Elder Slavens! I've learned a ton from him! It's been a absolutely phenomenal 2 transfer serving with each other!   

     Now I am ready to lead the area, I know I can do it, I can keep testifying this with GOD all things are possible and if we allow the Holy Ghost to be the true teacher of ours and follow promptings we can reach up to our spiritual potential! I love you all! I got to get going! Just want to let you all know that I love the members in Tuek Laak it's getting better and I would love to keep it that way along with Elder Lamborn next transfer! Here I GO! STAY FANTASTIC AND BLESSED! 
🌏💓 -អែលឌើរ រស់  known as Elder Ros the Elder that stills lives on! 😇💊🛡🛃

  "And now, behold, my beloved brethren, I suppose that ye ponder somewhat in your hearts concerning that which ye should do after ye have entered in by the way. But, behold, why do ye ponder these things in your hearts? Do ye not remember that I said unto you that after ye had received the Holy Ghost ye could speak with the tongue of angels? And now, how could ye speak with the tongue of angels save it were by the Holy Ghost? Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do. Wherefore, now after I have spoken these words, if ye cannot understand them it will be because ye ask not, neither do ye knock; wherefore, ye are not brought into the light, but must perish in the dark. For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do." - 2 Nephi 32:2-5

Monday, June 20, 2016

Sunday, June 19, 2016


       Sup everybody since last Monday I wasn't able to post due from to the accepted trip to another province in Kompong Speu. Which was one of the most funnest P-days Ever! Hahaha! Well, here how'd this week went in a nut shell!:

     Last Tuesday was ELDER SLAVEN'S 20th BIRTDHAY! YEAH! We celebrated just by having lunch in one of our investigator's mom's restaurant called Hang Ni which was full of delicious food then after that as me and Elder Slavens ate lunch at the restaurant along with the current Office Elders we were searching for a member's home all over the area along with Elder Lambert who serve here for about a year ago. Was tough but was productive when we get to contact people about the gospel on the way! 

     Last Wednesday, we decided to contact around our area for new investigators then we came across meeting with Om Mong one of our greatest members in the Ward! His love for the gospel is so strong it's not even funny. I love this Om and he loves us because of the importance of this Church! Later, on we had REAN English Program once more the lesson was based on grammar and even helping other student think and understand English further more like speaking in Khmer and even have them translate our questions and sentences into English! 

    Last Thursday, after RIBS and Weekly Planning we decided to take the rest of the time proselyting by contacting others around concerning the gospel still going hard as necessary in the area! Then I had an exchange with one of the "youngest" missionaries in the mission which is Elder Harris beginning on the evening!

     Last Friday was straight forward, the exchange with Elder Harris was fun leading the area was interesting going round 2 on actually leading around the area! As far as the week went we don't have much lessons but pretty much we're still consistent on doing something better than nothing! 

      Last Saturday, we had the REAN English Program again same format of teaching except we had a game with a "Cop finding the Criminal"! Which was fun! Then unfortunately, I caught a fever and got sick... which means I literally can do much until I recover up! 

     Yesterday was father's day and Church's still wonderful as usual! After church we had a treat time for fathers by eatting bread with sweet stuff or in romanized Chageddi!  Before church we a big contacting event along with the VanBrocklins going around the North Stake Area to contact people about the church that's around and very close to it! 

     We I still believe in miracle we're still giving our best as much as necessary! My languages doing alright still growing just me getting is what seems to be getting in the way! I hope I'll feel better soon so I can give all I got along with Elder Slavens throughout the rest of this transfer! Gotta go, stay fantastic you all and may God bless you! Thanks to you that's still keeping me in your prayer you guys are literally the best... for real! 
🌏💓 -អែលឌើរ រស់  known as Elder Ros the Elder that stills lives on! 😇💊🛡🛃

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction."  -PROVERBS 1:7

Note: Some of the picture was from Kompong Speu last Monday which was .... I'll admit again FUN! 

Taking contacting to another level I say! Prepare for the Gospel Cambodia seriously it's still here and spreading! 

64th Episode


        Hey everyone for the huge delay of this e-mail this is all summarized and packed down to how much Elder Ros can remember this is what he came across:

     Last Tuesday, as contact around an around a area in Teuk La'ak we found a very old member of the ward who hasn't been to church for a long time,  his name Bong Chan or in literal translation "Monday"! Hahaha Very nice and cool guy, we're working on understanding how's he doing and anything he needs help with! After that, Elder Lambert and Osborne current Office Elders got me and Elder Slavens to access some free Pizza at the Mission which was mainly for the leadership around the mission and then we came across Elder Wong earlier before meeting him in another day on Wednesday for a mission tour!

    Last Wednesday, I had the chance to participate in Elder Wong's presentation in the mission tour about repentance which was fun but kinda crazy hahaha! Later we dashed on to the North Stake Building to get on to the program back on REAN English Program! 

    Last Thursday, majority of the day was spent on filling a ton of information on a Progress Record the entire. Which was super time consuming but it was worth when preparing for Ward Council Meeting our first time in a long time especially for the area! Whoo! 

     Last Friday, we had Zone Training which was fantastic! Learn a whole lot about contacting and how to help other become more familiar with the church! We came across Bong Sophal who's a long time ago return missionary he's okay, still needs help from what's going on in his circumstance we shared a lesson with him concerning JOB from the Old Testament. Anyone can learn a ton from Job if anyone follows his example! For real! 

    Last Saturday, REAN English Program was wonderful as usual, after that we met up with Oun Sakada who's one of our recent converts we reviewed the gospel with him and committed him to study the doctrine of repentance a little more deeper! I love sharing the gospel when it can usually be in about 5 steps! Same idea applies with Puu Kosal who's on of our other investigators who never came to church yet.... he's somewhat a busy guy, but does believe in Christ and how much relevance it has to him, we shared the gospel with him also in this time visiting him, we committed him to learn more about repentance basing on his understanding and the scriptures he given including the Book of Mormon. What also happened in this lesson is both Om Mong and Pu Darin joined in on the lesson which was AWESOME! I love the members in this area so much! On top of that our recent convert Bong Sou helped us taught the 10 commandments to Seha like Sniper bullet shot through a time warp! Man, he nailed the doctrine right at it as what it is to Seha! I love Missionary Work! 

      Sunday at Church was great! Showed the Progress Record along with Elder Slaven and the Bishop was devastated of how much information I put for those we served since last week during Ward Council before Church!!  #DEDICATION!

Well everyone stay blessed out there I am still alive out here in the mission! Will be posting another one of these post soon! God bless you all! Thanks for keeping me in your prayers!      
🌏💓 -អែលឌើរ រស់  known as Elder Ros the Elder that stills lives on! 😇💊🛡🛃

Shout out for my best Mentor in the World! God bless you Mike! YEAH! Since P-DAY! Yeah yeah!