Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Episode 6 - Clueless Service in Black Grandpa. Sunday, May 3, 2015

      Whoo! It's been a super fun and I say a busy week! Here's how last week went everyone! I'll need to be super brief to explain! 

     Last Tuesday, me and Elder McGavin and all Ta Khmao Missionaries went out to do service for a NeakMing who's a member of the church, we did our best to help her build up a Phteah! However, corrupt police in Cambodia ruined it since day. The NeakMing even has papers that says that she owns the Land to build her home...

     Last Wednesday, I teach in the Advanced Part of English Class on that day! Very fun to talk to my own people in English so I can help them speak English! You know it's great to selflessly share the language you already know to your own people! It's amazing how so many of my own people wants to learn the English language! The student or the people who wants to learn loves to do whatever they to communicate in English! We even discuss what some English words mean and interpret them with the Khmer language. Kinda tough, but sabbay meen teen! 
     Last Thursday, I spent a day doing an exchange with a native Cambodian Missionary named អែលឌើរ ខៀវ! Unfortunately, on half of the day I had a in-grown toenail so I need to go to the hospital with him to get it checked out for a bit. DON'T WORRY! I am getting better than! We communicated with each other fine however, we're communicate with all we go to make sure we fulfill our missionary purpose for the day! As did Companionship Study and Prepare for the day we just did serve the same NeakMing in the same area to help plant Banana Trees... and then corrupt police just don't let her to have her own land....just ridiculous. Later on me and Him taught a progressing investigator who's referred to me and Elder McGavin by Elder Jarvis and his companion Elder Chuuk!  His name's Huey! We taught him the importance of the Law of Chastity and the Words of Wisdom and committed him to live them and even explained the blessings in details! Elder ខៀវ's an awesome guy. We really done a lot to make sure we understand each other throughout that day. 

     Last Friday, Zone Training! Just being taught how to really commit investigators to do what they need to do gain a stronger testimony from Obey God's commandments, and reading scriptures and explain blessings in details of what would happen when we commit investigators and invite them closer to Christ! Then me and my Trainer done weekly planning and proselyte to the guards of the Church and members around there like usual!

     Last Saturday, did contacting in a area a close stoplight close to church using new English flyers! Woo! Motos drivers grabbing flyers here and there! On top of that we taught another investigator! Woo he's a golden investigator in my missionary perspective! This guy's named Roat!  He's just getting familiar with church and shared very honest concerns with his life. We just read the introduction with the Book of Mormon and commit him to read and pray if the Book's true, and remind him that within his concerns we remind him the importance of free agency and it's his choice to pick which church he feel's right to go. Plus, so on we also testify and explain our experience o the church and the importance of studying, pondering, praying, and know things personally. This individual's a super nice guy and can speak English super well... so I taught him with Elder McGavin in Khm-English. (We also had a Branch Missionary to come and help us teach him!)

     Yesterday, that's been an awesome Sabbath day because not only we had a Stake Conference for the Asian Area, but there's another Baptism done on that day! The new member's from Sister Lindley and Sister Kimball as they teach the little guy and his family!  Plus, on top of that day I taught a recent convert named MingNarry who has a pet Monkey! I taught her many times along with Elder McGavin with Branch Missionary of our branch! Then we went to two more teaching appointments!

      Well, throughout this upcoming week I will be having a new companion named Elder Child. My gosh.... I am so going to miss Elder McGavin (Love you "Dad"!) so much when he moves throughout this week... he's moving or transferring to Kampong Cham! So I will be working with Elder Child my "Step-dad" Ta Khmao! Super awesome last week! Well, mother's day is coming up I hope to be able to talk to my mother soon! Can't wait until I keep teaching my new investigators with my companion, hopefully me and my companion will be able to baptize them, if they choose to members of His Church! I love my mission so much, there tough parts and fun parts in this mission! I miss my family,  the Syracuse Ward, the Syracuse Community! I am not that homesick anymore, but I love my family while I am gone! Keep me in your prayers everyone! I love fulfilling my purpose as a missionary! Language's coming and growing slowly, but I know that gift of tongues is going to keep helping me a lot in this mission as I always depend on it and the Holy Ghost! (All the glory goes to God as I do His work!) GOTTA BLAST AGAIN I AM GOING TO KEEP THIS WORK AND FUN UP! SO LONG!

“Bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light; … mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life.” Mosiah 18:8–9
-អែលឌើរ រស់ (Elder Ros)
Me and Elder McGavin doing Service when we're about to build a Phteah! (Last Tuesday!)

From last Tuesday, helping a member or Neakming build her home when later on corrupted police destroyed
it....Well, I still find it worth doing service to others! ..Right?!

New member baptized by Elder McGavin! Man, so excited! Hopefully, he'll grow up to be a awesome Aaronic
Priesthood holder! 

Living the Missionary...FUN!

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